Monday, June 18, 2018

"Hjernen Er Alene" by Seigmen

It's in the middle of the day
I'm alone in the house
I'm standing in the living-room
I'm alone in the house

I stare out of the window
I stare down at the sea
Suddenly I get scared
I see the ocean coming closer

The brain is alone

I want to get away
But i don't dare to go out
I don't want to look
But i don't dare not to
I whisper help
Though I know that no one will hear me

I walk out of the house
I walk down towards the sea
I don't hear anything
My head's standing still

The trees shrink
And the sea dries away
Though I walk and walk
I won't get closer

I turn and look back
The house full of people
Run down towards the cliffs
But the ocean is gone
I shout help
Though I know that noone will hear me

The brain is alone

I turn and look back
The house full of people
Run down to the cliffs
But the ocean is gone
I scream help
Though I know that noone will hear me
