
 This page will show you, I hope, ways of making an order in a hastened tempo of modern life. This is how I'm trying to make time for necessary things, to slow down, to cut off what it's empty and emptying, protect my self from killing time.
last updated 14.01.17

Winter 2016/2017

Schedule for semester 7 (winter 2013/2014)

Blocks underground:
1) Saturday study block will be often replaces by events, totally or partly, dependently on kind of event (iaido practice, ServeTheCity, whole weekend on friends' cities)
2) Evening block often can be a study block. I'm highlighting them just because of evening tiredness. Also it can be reading, practicing guitar or sword or whatever, praying, learning Greek and so on. Few of the evenings will be used for home groups or bible studies.
3) Rising block includes breakfast, longer prayer and Bible. (as it was)
4) Seek God day is a day without any studying, working, social or media activities. Exception probably will be made only for evening man group.
5) Letters block is focused on writing paper letters. Probably will be expended also to Saturday evening.

Breaks, meal times etc:
1) Breakfast goes with rising. On days with morning exercises second breakfast is possible, somewhere between 9 and 10 a.m.
2) Lunch time is around 1 p.m. (starting preparations)
3) Dinner time is between 7 and 8 p.m.
4) Coffee breaks will be made when needed.
5) Short sword exercises breaks also will be made when needed, but planned time is around midday, also in the beginning of evening blocks.
6) Of course prayer will be when it's needed.

Meals update:
From this year I begun to eat better, cook better food for myself and so on. In comparison to last year my lunches are home made and they includes rise or something like it, home made souse,  ~200 grams of meat.
updated 22.09.13

Schedules for semester number 6

Assigned time (Sunday doesn't included)
- for job: 20h
- for studying  from 20h (green mode) to 40h. Planned time ~20h
- for sport ~8h
- for meetings ~4-8h
- guitar practicing is merged into study blocks (as well as into the sprint plan) 

Schedules for 5 semester
My way of making schedules is not to know what I'll do in every minute on the week, but to organize it, so I'll have a possibility to plan anything, see the limits of my time resources and so on.
Main column divides a day into blocks. For example lessons means that I'll be at school, that means that I would be able to buy something afterwards, or eat in restaurant or something like this. It's intuitive as well as job block.
Also I have study blocks - that's a time when I can do my homeworks or projects. It's very helpful to organize a time and do not be late with deadlines. I will show it little later.
Evening block means, that this is a time when I'm tired for studying or working. It doesn't mean that I will not do this, but I need to keep this in mind when I will plan my todo lists.

And last yellow-green-red part: those are three "modes" as I call them. If I'm in a green mode that's mean that I wake up at 6.45 (or 7) and will go to bed at 22.00. If I'm in a yellow mode that means that I'll wake up at 04.00 and go to bed in 22.00 and so on.
Greek letters at right column mean "inceptions" into timetable: in a day time it could be like breaks, or eating.
  • Beta - reading the Bible and praying. I praying all the day but I want to have also a reserved emotionally-independent time for this.
  • Lambda - "Lembas" - eating food taken from home in the school.
  • Epsilon - physical exercises.
  • Fe - food. Breakfast, dinner or anything else.
  • Gamma - guitar practicing.
  • Sigma - shower.
Those pictures are out of date a little, I will update them as soon as I have a time.
At the moment I live in the yellow mode from Monday to Friday and in the green mode on Saturdays. Sundays are reserved for God and plans for it are making on different way.

Evening blocks:
  • Alfa. Studying if necessary. If not - reading, watching movies, playing, writing, modeling and so on.
  • Beta. Bible study in English / English-speaking parties. At my home. (Two of both events per month)
  • Gama. Home group. At my home.
  • Delta. Church man's group (two times per month), Serve The City organizing meeting (from time to time).
  • Epsilon and dzeta are the same as alfa. But I home that praying group will be on Mondays or Fridays, so I'll assign accordingly a block for it.
Also evenings blocks are open for hang outs with people. (And I have even reminders for this :).

To Do
Job is organized by sprints and tasks.
So I did something like this for my studies. Number of week is the same as the number of week. Now you can see how block system works - I can see how long blocks I have and I can estimate how many time I will need (or I can give) to chosen subject and assign a block. Also I can analyze my estimations and make them with better precision later.
Also I have an Android application with to do lists. They are mostly bureaucratic or something like "buy a month ticket".
But it also reminds me about inceptions, and this is really helpful.
As well as to make "to buy" lists for a shopping.

We all know how important food and in reality you have not too much options what will you eat on your breakfast, or on supper. But it's good I think, to plan it a little, to balance a rations, make them healthy and not annoying at the same time. So here is a list I made. In yellow mode I have breakfast at 06:00 and it depend on my time and money what will I eat. Numbers (like 1,2,3) means that those are parts of one meal. Letters (like a,b,c) means that those are possible ways of a meal (like a)bread or b)cheese)
  1. 06.00: breakfast.
    1. Sandwiches.
      1. Cold. With meat, cheese and vegetables
      2. Hot. Just with meat and cheese.
    2. Two eggs.
    3. Dairy.
      1.  Yogurt (for children is the best).
      2. Curd with honey
  2. 11.00: second breakfast.
      1. Cornflakes with kefir.
      2. Cornflakes with yogurt and crushed banana.
      3. Some other flakes with kefir or yogurt.
  3. 15.00: lunch.
      1. Dinnerware set in a restaurant.
      2. Hot sandwiches.
      3. Something else I can cook at home.
  4. 20.00: evening meal.
      1. Vegetable dish (tomatoes+corn+cabbage+cucumber+onion and so on), with oil and species.
      2. Seaweed salad.

It's to big to write about at the moment. But the truth is that all of this things at up are only templates. They have some priority as well as another stuff. For example I don't want to wake up at 04:00, and it's so warm in my bed, but I remember that I decided at such situation to go accordingly to schedule and will change it if will be bad, but only on noon, not in the morning. So I wake up.
Or for example I planned a lot of study, but friend had called me and asked for a meeting - in most of the situations he will have a larger priority then my study (this is why I want to have a buffer to deadlines not to be so close - I'll be free to help when it's needed).
And God has the largest priority, and if He will say me to do something else the whatever I planned - I will comply (I hope I do, it's usually more difficult then just to write such a words here).
Usually when I analyze situations, or problems I try to order it, so in time when I will need to make a decision and won't have too much time for it, I'll remember, that there was a day when I thought and pray and meditate about it a lot and came to conclusion that _something_ and it based on _listOfThings_ which are based on _another things deeper_. So I just go through a "tree" of choices.
This is an idea.