
last updated on 22.08.21


Poems Content:
  1. Mantra
  2. Candle
  3. Go hard
  4. Today
  5. Coffee
  6. Go to warp
  7. To land
  8. Daisy
  9. Black knight
  10. And here am I again...
  11. I want to write about something sad...
  12. Green eyes
  13. Дождь 
  14. Sunrise, sunset and moon 
  15. Прости меня отче...
  16. Вечер
  17. Изгнанные рыцари
  18. Perfect autumn day... 
  19. You are.. 
  20. Today I followed.. 
  21. Jasmine 
  22. Quasar 
  23. I need my daisy...
  24. Facing the enemy


I am

In wind and fire,

In dirt and water,

For all is me.

I am

In moon and sun,

In day and night,

In black and white,

For all is me.

I am

In every moment

Grateful for each breath,

Walking every step,

For all is me.

I am

Loving self

And loving others

As well as what I do,

For all is me.

I am

Creatively engaging all,

In peace and joy,

In courage and persistence,

In free and freeing way,

For all is me.

I will

Love self

Love others

Love everything I do;

Allow the self to surface;

Be grateful for the moment;

Be present in the moment;

Treating everything as art;

Be building a full and round self.

Sweet little sun,
Swinging in the dark,
Smiling with a fun,
Stroke me by a spark.

The spark of tree of life,
Of cozy warm,
Came to me without strife
To call it home.

I want to be
(To call it by name)
A will of the wisp
To kindle your flame.

Go hard
Be harder then steel,
Be faster then light
Because you Are,
You Are, you Are.
Do you know it?

Go hard -
You gonna make it,
Fly high -
You gonna see it.

Be deep as an ocean,
Be hot as wild flames.
Be a spirit in motion,
Be rich in your names.

Go hard -
The body is trap,
Go hard -
Enough of this nap.

Go hard
And don't give up.

  Is so beautiful day:
A touch of sunshine,
An anthem of may,
Timeless warm shrine.

It's not of a weather:
The weather is cold.
It's the joy feather -
All made from gold. 

Go to warp
Go to warp, don't look sharp,
Break the orbit of your trap.
Explore, run from hoar yore:
You could find a distant shore.

Go, without fear, darn old tear
Between you and this frontier.
Elapse, let your world collapse,
Hand out yourself for pure maps.

Go on this wave and be brave,
Thus you no longer be slave
Of delusion, wrong conclusion,
In escaping soul's fusion.

To land
It's time to land,
to pause. A little.
Too much was spent,
by me. Uncanny beetle.

The warp is good,
but needs resources. Many.
It makes the mood,
but only when I'm ready.

Fragrant balsam and old friend,
You save me from the dreamers' land:
From the morning to day's end
You make my brain to crisply stand.

You, deeply black, with lacy foam,
Coming gently to my stomach,
You take me from a distant roam
Right into the arms of program's bug.

In the middle of the forest,
There is a little sun,
Like a dream of every florist,
It's shine, the night begun.

Hidden in the glowing walls,
Of moon lit petals,
A young star at her nightfall,
Within, the heart settles.

A bee who finds sweet pollen,
Hiding with the evening star,
On the emerald ion,
Gazing, at the earths quasar.

Black knight
In the dark pockety night,
Disturbing silhouette of times
Come from blackness, like a knight,
And raised it's lucent sword of rhymes.

In necklace from snakes of lights,
Strong, pristine, decuman and holy,
Firing rage looks from heights,
Knight treaded, surrounded by glory.

In infinite vortex of euphoric dance,
Rampant, aglitter, impetuous and fast,
Immersing all alive into awe trance,
His flame snakes whirled on sky's vast.

Swamping on beams of knight's tears,
And stunned by power of his voice,
The ground was shuddering in fears,
But knight already made his choice.

Anger was endless in his revenge,
As hopeless was his ancient quest,
Yet he rather will go to world's edge,
Than surrender to senseless rest.

That was dragon, abhorrent and evil,
Who took his tender princess away,
Search started. And thunder's anvil,
Accoutred black knight to his way...

In the middle of blind and fell tempest,
Suddenly stopped retributive sword:
This is pearly face of belovest
From above looked to her ward.

And here am I again, trying to run from myself,
To understand what went wrong, what must I change.
But I'm stacked, cold and closed in the darkness.

Breathless, buried alive in sorrow by death itself,
I can't try to roll my life's book to bright page;
With my eyes at one point - I will go to a madness.

I want to write about something sad,
But words are to far from my head.

I want to let all my melancholy go,
But I cannot. Why - I don't know.

Lost on dead and silent valley,
I have no hope here, no alley.

Why - is my question. What - is my sorrow.
Where and when - already me borrow.

I see that only dead from here can go out.
Now about my destiny I have no doubt.

Green eyes
I was in dust, lying on the crust,
Tightly sinked in late night's calm,
When a single, single elven jingle
Blandly, softly hooked my trust.
And this heady balm put me into qualm:
In flames my soul begun to tingle..

Suddenly a mild beam from emerald gleam,
Saturated by flowers' and leaves' odor,
Breezy and melodic, tuneful and symphonic,
Charmingly dipped me into faery dream,
Where time was over by marvelous oder
Of green eyes look, deeply and harmonic..

Ages could pass in walking on grass,
Smelling pretty, rare singing fragrance
Of the blessed and pure land of cure,
Which I saw through green eyes' glass.
Like last dunce I lost myself at once,
But in sincerity was no place for lure.

We dithered, confused, below the stars and prayed...

I don't know when eyes in the forest's mist faded...

Неважно твое гражданство,
Неважно где ты живешь.
Всех объединяет пространство,
И поток в котором плывешь.

Кем бы ты нибыл: хорошим, плохим,
Бедным, богатым, сложным, простым:
Слёзы дождя намочат любого,
Как зрячего, так и слепого.

Sunrise, sunset and moon

When you want to feel,
When you want to live,
When you want a heal,
They will simply give..
Give them, and even more:
They will share their shore.

Sunset will teach you to feel,
Sunrise will teach you to live,
And Moon will give you a heal.
Visit them, if you want to thrive.


Прости меня, Отче,
За то, что в мире слез
Не говорю я громче
О букете Твоих роз.

Прости, что в стороне я,
Когда алой розы шипы
Унижают не краснея
Падшего мира столпы.

Прости, что им не кричу:
"Эй друг, постой, подожди!
Лучше к ней как к врачу,
С тихим сердцем подойди!"

Прости, что ее теплый свет,
В моей душе теряясь,
Не спасал людей от их бед,
Во мраке ночи скитаясь.

Прости меня, Боже,
Что чайной розы покой,
Мир и радость, - все же
Остались лишь со мной.
 Прости, что временами,
Я избегать ее стараюсь,
Любуясь мира грехами,
От нее сам отрекаюсь.

Прости, что и в себе самом
Заглушить я умудряюсь
Тот мелодичный, тихий звон,
Когда в душе я поклоняюсь.

Прости меня, Господи,
Что белой розы цветок
Я спрятал в заводи
А не вынес на поток.

Прости, что зная о ней,
Бродил, молчал и тосковал,
Не замечая вихря эпопей
В том, что Ты мне подавал.

Прости, что молча смотрю,
Как слепые простаки
Рвут ту последнюю зарю:
Белой розы лепестки.

Теперь молю я: помоги!
Отряхнувшись от мрака суеты
Склониться у Твоей ноги
И взять все эти чистые цветы.


Кругом сгущается тьма.
Кто-то с кем-то встречается.
На небе белеет Луна.

Стрекочут кузнечики.
Засветилась звезда.
Он гладит ее плечики.
Вдали гудят поезда.

Шатается пьяный.
В домах гаснут огни.
Нет больших команий.
Они совсем одни.

Пролетела сова.
Зажглись фонари.
Сереет трава.
Они ждут зари.

Вот и светает.
Исчезла Луна.
Она все болтает.
Что для них времена?

Изгнанные рыцари
Мир умирает. Мир исчезает.
Он растворяется в своей суете.
Все что может - он упрощает.
И мысли предпочел пустоте.
Но еще осталось благородство,
Не остыли вера и любовь,
И не устанем мы бороться,
Пока по жилам течет кровь.
Мы изгнаны за чистоту и честь,
За поиск дел достойных похвалы,
За то что мы не любим лесть,
Бессмысленные пиршества, балы.
Не страшны нам горести и муки,
Ненависть, проблемы, злость.
Нам бы согреть обветренные руки,
Дать надежду, эту жизни трость.

Perfect autumn day. 
Clean and warm.
Peaceful and calm...
Near river's bay,
I sit at the bench,
In quiet time of day,
Thankful, and pray:
I'm at His clench...
I'm breathing clay,
He wants to bleach
Me; to firmly quench
Pride's destroying tray...
Death is not so bad,
If it is just a threshold,
For a fading finite gold,
Into a place, where Dad
Is waiting; can you behold
The world around you?
Every day a living view
Can get you from cold.
The sky, grey and bleu,
Susurrous leaves, flickering,
In river's wavy mirror; flying,
Smoothly... They are clue.
One of many.
Don't omit any.

You are my sunshine,
You are my morning,
You are my guideline,
You are my calling,
You are my Lord.

Today I followed my heart's plea,
And bought some awesome tea.

The shop was dark and romantic,
Pot's and jars were dithery mantic.

There was a girl-vendor. Her face,
Oh, her face..,
It was the grace,
The grace itself.

After long and freezing winter
On the ending of a day,
Our fresh and breezy thinker
Slowly, sleepily starts it's way.

"Why should come I out?" -
 She bubbled. 

Wallowing in grapefruit rays
Of her celestial trustee,
Pushed this cocky little fay
Out from her fusty sad abbey.

And petal by petal,
Petal by petal
She freed.

Amidst the snowy wings
Beaming on the evening calm,
She stayed before the King
Like a singing shiny psalm.

 "The world is so big,
And so awesome!" -
Exclaimed she and ceased.

He kept silent. Just watching,
Watching and watching,
Watching and watching her grace.

From those ancient days
Blessed jasmine fragrance
Fills our tired grey caves
With drops of God's essence.

Small worlds are roaming through the Universe.
 What are they searching? What have they forgot?
 Some of them are glowing, most of them are not..
Space wanderers, all so unique and all so lost
All so lonely, dreamers of the empty ages.
Soul murderers, so cute, so deadly and soft.
Single life is flashing, like it never was
Birth, learning, working, giving birth, 
Sighs, smiles, thoughts and then to earth.
Senseless, if this is all life is, and gloomily.
Even filled by pleasures, deeds and progress,
Still costs nothing, if it hides inside of darkness. 
Some worlds are shining. They were called the stars.
Limited in time, fired by divine, they won't really die.
Say then, who are those stars who were called quasars?
Strange story I want you to tell. They were just stars,
Nothing less, nothing more. And they were sinking,
Sinking in their bitter tears, pink hopes, painful fears.
Scared by heart's scares, but still watching night sky,
At once linked they've become,   linked by divine.
Sudden it was, sudden and quick. They were shy.
Separated again, tired, they were willing to quit,
But they couldn't and were closing and closing,
Spire by spire of planned destination spiral.
Summoned once, they've merged one day,
And become the greatest brightest star,
Strangely called the new Quasar.

All lives are sailing in the stream,
Bounded by it's random gleam,
Counting on the certain dream.
Drawings of existing, curling steam,
Ending at the closed small realm.
Foundation of time - blurry past,
Glowing at the shadow vast,
Has passed too fast - avast!
 In it's calm deep waters at last
Joining are mistakes and a dust.

Kid of life is our eye blink,
Lyre, which music we drink,
Moment, breath, difficult to ink,
Nonsensical eternity's mink,
Odd hero, born only to sink.
Pink pillar of hope and a trap,
Quiet illusion, misty life map,
Ruins for present, always asap,
Salt, trying past to drown or to zap:
Tender future, the never-ending gap. 
Understand the past, do not make it last,
Vain are dots, written in anger too fast.
Walk with the now, to flow it allow,
X-es are challenges building somehow.
Your future, hope's warden, is always uncertain:
Zero of "never"s, "sure"s or "forever forgotten"s.

I need my daisy,
When she is lonely and lost.
I miss my daisy,
Under her rain or  hoar frost.
Where is my daisy,
When I want her to warm.
Don't hide my daisy,
When I want you to calm.

Facing the enemy
It's nice to play a fearless knight,
Until you face a dark soul night,
While you far away from dragon's teeth,
While you don't feel his deadly breath.

His freezing laughter,
Jaws opening soon after...
You cannot run,
You cannot hide -
You are inside.
His eyes of hate and void,
Starring right on you.
Slaughter you cannot avoid:
There is no withdrew.
And dragon is closing:
Clatz, wooorrr, clatz.
Clatz, wheerrr, clatz.
Emptiness inside:
No stars, no moon, no sun.
 Once here - you die,
Even if you are bravest, son.

Clatz, wooorrr, clatz.
Clatz, wheerrr, clatz.
The freezing fire-lake around -
You can feel it by bones.
By try of broking the bound,
 You released only moans.
Clatz, wooorrr, clatz.
Clatz, wheerrr, clatz.
 Your last half breath,
Your last look traces teeth,
Your last eyes blink,
"I feel the teeth" - last think.
Clatz, clatz, clatz,
Clatz, arrh, clatz,
Clatz, clatz, clatz,
Clatz, wrrh, clatz...

But you are still alive,
 Surrounded by hands of God,
You will soon revive,
And this is all so odd.
"You have no power" -
You hear someones voice
Not a weak but dour,
"By the power of rejoice,
I tell you - let them go!"
And the voice is yours,
Winged by Holy Spirit
Changes course of wars,
Goes beyond the limit.

22.08.21: "Mantra"
21.07.18: "Candle"
27.11.17: "White dust"
26.11.17: "To land"
20.05.15: "Go hard" has been written
14.11.13: "Facing the enemy" has been written.
03.11.13: "Today" has been written.
18.05.13: "I need my daisy.." has been written.
17.05.13: "Time" has been written.
16.05.13: "Quasar" has been written.
25.04.13: "Jasmine" has been written.
15.12.12: "Today I followed my heart's plea" has been written and added
03.12.12: "You are my..." has been written and added
12.10.12: "Perfect autumn day..." has been written and added
28.09.12: "Coffee" poem added.
24.09.12: One more poem from my drafts. "Exile Knights" has been added.
22.09.12: I found two poems in my drafts. They must be more then 3 years old.
15.09.12: "Sunrise, sunset and moon" has been added
10.09.12: I wrote "Дождь" poem, when I was in Berlin. Post it today.
01.09.12: it's difficult to work on "Quasar" ballade without an internet nearby. Work is going slowly.
30.08.12: page was created. Poems "Daisy", "Black knight", "And here am I again..", "I want to write about something sad..", "Go to warp", "Green eyes" were added.