Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Steiger Mission School 13

 I don't know where exactly to start. May be from saying, that this is one of the greatest experiences of my life? It's sounds too general. May be from saying, that I have been in God's presence for most of the time at the school, having lots and lots of private time with Him at calm and beautiful places, outreaches, walks? It's sounds too weird and words cannot really show it, only people who know what I'm talking about will understand. When things around become so simple His love so real, everything become possible, eyes are opening for dirty in my life, for those foolish things we are doing, unjustified fears, laziness. When you are sinking in His grace, bathing at His hands, almost see His eyes, feel His hug. And an understanding, which was waiting for your heart's opening, finally can get right to your inside, pain and problems even old ones, are going out and disappearing.. Or, may be, from those sweethearts I met, people loving God not in words, but lying all their lives right to His feet, going where He is telling them to go, not just singing it on Sunday's, but doing it from the depth of their hearts. Knights from all around the world - one hundred people, ten nationalities, all together, getting through their differences, difficulties of long term community life by His power. This is just amazing.. So,

If you don't know what Steiger is, and what kind of hard and dangerous, bold and brave kind of Kingdom's work they are doing, go right to their website and watch it through, for example NLM concerts at Muslim towns (without any Christian presence). In simple words - it is a group of missionaries friends, rising up the Cross for lost people, who will not go to a church for answers, that means, that with nowadays closed and focused inside churches, they are out of Gospel. Spiritually hungry people are not only in Africa - they are all around us, on metal and gay clubs, walking at night or day time, intelligent, knowing answer for everything, but - empty. Always proofing, always hungry, they cannot understand the Gospel by "sheep and fish" language, they cannot take the name Jesus seriously, they have to many barriers for it, they already have another translation of His name (like magician, philosopher or whatever, but never the Almighty God, Who become a man, and died for my sins, saved me personally, loves me infinitely). May be know by words, but never personally what does it mean my sin, my pain, I am forgiven, I am free.
Okay, it just a kind of intro, I think.

School view on sunrise from the chimney:

 We had our schedules for every day, teaching programs, small group lists, prayer partner lists and so on, and so on. I won't tell you too many details, it may be little bit boring to read, but, may be just few words about our schedule

 Tuesdays were so called "hard work days", because of work projects - major things which need to be done,

Like cleaning one of the post-communistic school buildings from old stuff, preparing this building for future use, or

Or pioneering new territories, or

or cleaning,

Or whatever challenge would it be - it has been done with a smile on our faces. This is so great. :)

On Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays we used to have morning and evening lectures. By schedule evening lectures were supposed to end at 8 p.m., but quite often we were leaving lecture hall at 10 p.m. sometimes even on 11 p.m., once at 1 a.m. (lecture about healing by prayer with Chad).

   (Q & A session, mic is to high for Maria, but she is an artist :)

Yeah, three translators translating at the same time, all the time. It was nice to know Russian, English and Polish, so I could talk to almost everyone. There were only few Portuguese speakers, who did not speak English, but it was possible to talk through translators with them. About Brazilians - they are so cute and cool, I mean everyone at the school was like this, but they are always ready to talk and to listen, every time I met someone somewhere at school - they are coming with their arms open to give a hug.

We have been praying a lot. There were healing and prophecies. Lots of them.

And the peace of Holy Spirit, His love, it was and it is overwhelming.

We have been praying for each other. Often, before the lecture or after evening gathering, we were praying for someone - either a missionary who came to share something with us, or just for someone, whom Holy Spirit told us to pray for. On this photo we are praying for Lou, who would leave home to Beirut just after terroristic religious act happened. And his family was in the city at this time. Yeah, life of hard choices..

  We were praying one to one,

Also we had had something called "Seek God day". The day when everyone was silent, most of us were fasting. For whole day. It's so awesome, and this is like an air (air is little bit less then such a day). This is why I included it to my schedule this year. So, most of the days I were going somewhere,
 Through an old park,

 Out from our village Krogis, Two or three times I made like 20-30km at one day, just walking and talking.. talking to Him. Or just being with Him. I spent a lot of early mornings in the park, or another silent and calm places.
Or the chimney - top point of the school. I saw so many sunsets, sunrises and moon rises from there. Also stars were amazing - I spent few nights near fireplace, just watching them. And  this is me siting on the chimney on this photo :). I remember this night Kacper making photos on the field,
Catching harvesters, while I were on the roof, talking to Tristan. And later I were watching the moon and waiting for stars. Mniam.

Beside all of this, we had everyday duties, named chores. I think everyone knows, what it is all about,
Washing dishes, floors and so on. I won't stop on it too much.

On Saturdays we had had outreaches to Dresden - we were making our base in one park, which is related to different alternative movements and usually filled by youth. And were talking to people. That simple :)
(We are just about to leave to our first outreach in June)

(our base camp on third outreach, with suit show, talks and drawing box running)

(we had a lot of reinforcements this day, including Martijn and this suit case show)
Also we've got samba school running.
We had had an outreach weak. We've divided to teams and went to  Beirut,  Instambul, Madrid, Poltava, Woodstock festival, Wacken festival, Berlin. I've been to Wacken.
It's really weird and spiritually hard place to be. But there so many lost people there..
So many..

Sundays and Mondays (yep, I'm still talking about schedule, all of it was just inside of it :) we had a free time. We've got a church son Sunday morning and that all of the schedule. Also on Sundays we could use an internet,
dosage of i hour each. Yeah, it was cool to be out of it for almost whole summer, just contacting my family, without.. I mean, leaving real life, breathing park's air, talking to friends, praying together, thinging, watching, feeling..

Mondays were used for travels mostly,
Like trip to Moravian brothers village, or Berlin, or Prague. Most of the Mondays I were repeating Fridays, and I'm happy about it. :)

Of course we had parties. Lot's of parties.
 But I'm not a much of a party man though.

 I miss them. And somehow... somehow all life is different now.
I know that I'm not alone. I mean, between people. I mean, I'm not the one who want to do everything for Christ, and who does. Like Maria and Taavi who came all way form Finland with their five children by their bus-home.

Kasia and Antek, who have been so encouraging for me, always close, always helping. May be with their problems, but so beautiful inside, so hungry for God, so honest, wise and simple.

Fernando with his scissors, ready to work, ready to serve, open to encourage

I peaked them randomly right now, because I really feel how we belong to each other, I'm thinking, what are they doing? How there frontiers are look like? I know, that they are fighting hard..
Matt, Luke, Angelo...

Andre (We called him extreme beauty)

Faramir and Eowin, they've been for short time with us, but were able to give so much of themselves.

Marcel. Yeah, he is crazy. May be not as much as on this photo, but still..

(Group photos)

And it was so cool to become to know those guys. Daved and Jodi, Luke and Ania: they are like partly not here, connected to unlimited reaches of heaven, filled by joy and.. Those are leaders whom you want to follow, not supposed to, whom you want to be loyal to, it's so rare nowatimes, and I'm so blessed by them..

I don't know. Sorry the lat part of this post is so random, I just cannot focus and precise, can not show what is in my heart. I want to show them all, to keep them all, to live with them all. But now is not the time. Now is time to fight.

 Kacper, thank you so much for your photos. Also, you've been such an example for me in evangelism, and it was so great to be with you in a team during Wacken, so good to know that it's okay to feel what you feel, to see what you see, to do and to believe as you feel you've been created to.