Wednesday, September 5, 2012

How to add "Share on tumblr" button to your blogspot blog

It's really not so difficult!

This is 15 steps tutorial will show you how to add "tumblr share" button to another share buttons enabled by google. You just need to follow the steps :)
  1. Go to Blogger->Layout
  2. Click "Edit" on "Blog Posts" field.
  3. Enable "Show Share Buttons". Click "Save" and close this window.
  4. Go to Blogger->Template. 
  5. Click "Edit HTML" and "Proceed"
  6. On "Edit HTML" enable "Expand Widget Templates"
  7. Open on new tab or window of your browser tumblr's button page:
  8. Copy code from step 1.
  9. Press "Ctrl+F". Search browser's panel must appear. Write "/body" on the field.
  10. Paste copied code right before the tag.
  11. Choose a button on tumblr's page and copy it's code (step 2).
  12. Go back to "Edit HTML" tab. Now search "shareButtons" in the code. 
  13. Paste copied code right before the
tag. You have your button!
  • If you wish tumlr's button to be not in the end look carefully through buttons tags. You can add it where you want it to be, but it must be right after those tags:
  • Profit! :)