Saturday, September 22, 2012

The harvest of my last year's life.

This is a usual thing, at the beginning of the autumn I think. To see what has been changed, if there are steps forward.
  • Relations with God. They include everything else of course. But now, when I mentioned it: I have a lot of trust lessons this year. And a lot of obedience lessons too. I can count 4 direct messages from Him. All of them have changed my life a lot. I come back to full-time praying after a year or two of living without it. Bible reading is stable and He is telling a lot of things through it, may be not as important as His messages, but still there are a lot of choices on the life. Thank You for being so close to me!
  • Church. I have found a church in Wrocław where He wants me to be. He helped me to build new friendships there, and gave me a ministry. It become much more easier to be here then it was a year ago, and that was a first year, when I came home in fire at summer after my studies.
  • Summer camps worked very beautiful like watches, but I want more of His Spirit in them.
  • Friends. I make a lot of new friends. Had had some good 4 eyes talks, my old friends are still my friends and distance haven't changed it. Have a warm family. Also make some people, which don't want to be my friends, and showing this directly. First time in my life, if I remember well.
  • Activity. I become more active. This is one of the most important changes this year. And I'm not afraid to be myself and to try those activities. Of course I'm still on the road, and it's improperly to say about this, like this is done. I hope I won't stop to grow in this.
  • Study. I did my best, and put little less then all my study-year time into this. And I can say that a result isn't bad. Could be worse.
  • Job. It's begun.
  • Entertainment. There were two times this summer, when I felt myself absolutely relaxed, without thinking and controlling any shields of mine. Returned to blog, poem writing. Ended the frigate.
Will make this year ToDo list soon. (: